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Showing posts from July, 2024

My August 1st

On August 1st, I celebrate Midsummer and Honeysweet. For me, the First Day of Summer is on the Summer Solstice, so it only makes sense that August 1st would be Midsummer, just as Nov 1st is Midfall, Feb 1st is Midwinter, and May 1st is Midspring. From My Personal Blog Book of Mirrors: Just by this screenshot from my Sacred Year, you can tell I'm eclectic af! My holy day rituals are a mixture of entities, because humans like boxes, entities do not give a shit about your limitations, and neither do I. Sometimes a ritual may focus on a specific hearth culture, but often there's a mixture. I've been practicing for 30 years, I've never heard a complaint from my deities--I'm a "godphone", I'd be hearing from Them! I've been editing my Sacred Year for a long time. Gotta find what works for you--otherwise what's the point? I don't care if my Holy Days are ancient or new, or if I'm alone

Leaving Facebook Celebration Sale!

  Click the Image for Etsy! Starts tomorrow!

Photography Hobby and Passion

  For the last few nights, I've been spending my late evenings with the group of Gray Tree Frogs that feast on the bugs attracted to our porch light. I'm glad that they're photogenic! Such lovely little critters. © 2024 Hearth Fox Oracle

August Reminder

Just posted on my Facebook : Hey in case you haven't heard, in August, on my 18th F B anni, I'm deleting this account and I won't be making another one. If I decided to come back--and that's a hard IF--you'll hear about it first on my other non-FB accounts, not some "This is my backup FB" scammer BS. I am NOT closing Hearth Fox Oracle, just this account. You'll still be able to find me on Etsy: Blogspot: Instagram: Check my Link Tree for my contacts. Double check those spellings on my Contact Page --don't get tricked by scammers, bots, and trolls. Also I check out all new followers on IG. If you have the signs of a scammer, bot, or troll, I will block you. As always, you can still find me live and in person at events. The next event I'll be at is Pagan Festival in Kettering, Ohio, in October. Come out and support

Yay New Tools!

Something that I won a few days ago on my private profile from The Hellenic Handmaid : This set of beautiful, quality Greek Alphabet Oracle !  I really love the design font of each letter, too. On this beautiful Full Moon, I've cleansed them, and Hekate claimed them right away as Hers.  So they are!   I'm about to do my very first draw with this set.  With most divination tools, I like to do a little interview.  Asking how their personality is, is it a gentle tool or a blunt tool, and what it speciality is--what questions or subjects are best to ask.  But this set doesn't want me to ask any of those questions, and I think it's because Hekate has claimed them.   Makes sense.  I already know Her. Let me just if She's any other messages for me on this full moon... I shuffled while asking, "What's your message on this full moon?"  When I felt the bag was ready, I blew into it, then drew.  My finger touched three letters at once.  I put them all on my tabl

Book Review: Good Different

  Good Different by Meg Eden Kuyatt .  I read this book yesterday, from cover to cover, in a about 1-2 hours.  It's a story that's written in poems.  It's about a teen named Selah who's different and has a List of How to Be Normal and wears a Normal-Person Mask.  As the school year progresses, she ends up learning that she's not damaged or dangerous, instead she's autistic.  She becomes empowered by this truth and uses her poetry to educate her family and school. She also loves dragons.  When I was reading the beginning of the book, I kept thinking to my old love of dragons, too.  When I was a kid/teen/young adult, I loved dragons.  They were my travel companions.  Anytime I'd get in the car, I'd look out the window and seeing a world of dragon and the human living and coexisting with them.  Dragons of all different shapes and sizes.   I had names and species information about them all. I'd draw them in notebooks and write stories about them. Even

Book Review: The Witch's Heart

 Again, I'm not a professional blogger or book reviewer, just a lover of books and writing. Seeing that I don't have any more Goddess Girls or Thunder Girls books on hand, I decided to read something more for my age and something a little bit closer to Norse Mythology: The Witch's Heart by Genevieve Gornichec . The story is about Angrboda, Gullveig, seidr, her relationships with Loki and Skadi, she and Loki's children, Odin, Ragnarok, and the new world born from Surt's fires and ash.  It's about love and friendship, betrayal and loss, healing, rage, and finding oneself.  I loved how the author weaved the surviving myths together, filling in chunks that we just don't have, as we only have what's survived with her own imagination. I laughed and cried, and really felt Angrboda's pain and strength. I think it's a beautiful story, skillfully written, and one of my favorite retellings of modern mythology so far. It also highlights the issue of why

Book Review: The Goddess Girls and The Thunder Girls

Needing some feel-good happy energies, I've been checking the middle grade school level books Goddess Girls and Thunder Girls by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams . Yes, even at 40-years-old I still enjoy reading children, teen, and young adult books.  It's good for my Inner Child and I don't care what others think I should be reading at my age!  I read plenty of scholar-level books.  My brain and soul needs a break from time-to-time.  Plus I have kids in elementary and middle school--I like to check out what they're reading or may want to read. * Just a heads up, I'm fairly new to writing my own book reviews.  I am far from a professional.  This post derails few times.  I enjoyed these books and felt like talking about them, and maybe others will want to check them out, too. I also have dyslexia and I don't have an editor. * The Goddess Girls deal with Greek Mythology and the Thunder Girls with Norse Mythology. Although neither are true to those ancient sto

I am the Queen of Wands, Baby!

I've made a pretty big decision and I've drawn cards about it... Using the Guardian of the Night deck by MJ Cullinane , and asking Hekate for guidance, I got a jumper and drew two: Jumper - Five of Swords - Represents Facebook. 10 of Wands - Represents FB's affect on me over these near 18 years. Queen of Wands - Represents me now. I've been thinking about it for a while.  Then more seriously after I heard about Project 2025  and saw how FB is protecting The Heritage Foundation with BS conservative fact checkers.   As of August 2024, I will be on Facebook for 18 years.  That's a lot of years for any platform--back in the day when FB was just for college students.  I've had my share of ups and downs, and I'm grateful to FB for finding old friends, making new ones, and the business successes that I've had.  However, like a toxic, abusive relationship, there have been many many downs--stress, drama, pain, fear, frustrations, and that's not counting my bu

A Psychic Cleanse

Overwhelmed by the energy flying around? The fear, hate, rage, and sadness? You've gotta cleanse, ground, shield yourselves, especially if you're psychic.  Here is one way that I reset and protect myself: Take a epsom salt bath/shower . Over the years, I've found epsom salt to be a great psychic cleanser, but I've also used sea salt, regular salt, and salt scrubs. You can put some in a bath and soak, or if you've no bath like me, I put some in a big cup and filled it with hot/warm water. Then I ask for blessings over the water--you don't have to do this. You could charge the water with your own intentions or ask your spirit allies to help. I believe that the object is just an object, until the spirit/energy is activated, however that happens. Once I feel the energies active, I step into my shower. You don't have to do this, but I like to anoint each of my chakras/energy centers with the epsom salt water. Then I pour it over my head, making sure to cover most

New Items in the Shop

 There's new items in my Etsy Shop : Hearth Spirit Plushies Witch Runes Elder Futhark Runes Dice Runes Just remember, my products are only available on Etsy and at in-person events.  USA Shipping Only. My Psychic readings are only available by emailing me, direct messaging me , or at in-person events. My most popular online psychic reading option is the $45.00 Email/Direct/Text Message .  We'll communicate through email/text.  You ask the question, I do the reading, and you'll be able to ask follow-up questions/clarifications.  If you'd rather not pay me through Paypal or Venmo, we can do a trade, which is mainly through an Amazon Wishlist although I have accepted other forms of trade in the past.  The trade doesn't have to equal the price of the reading--it can be as little or as much as you'd like. I will never message you first for business.  Yall gotta come to me, because that's how ethical business works. The next in-person event Hearth Fox Oracle will

Threads Account Deletion

I've decided to delete my account on Threads .  It wasn't very active, nor was it bringing in any business.  No more Threads for me.  I lasted a year and a day on Threads.   However I am still active on: Facebook Business Page: Instagram: - @hearthfox_oracle Blogspot: The Hearth Fox Shop & Blog - Etsy: Alignable: LinkTree: For funsies, I'm also on Goodreads , StoryGraph , and I have a blog dedicated to my Druidry journey . Please check the links letter-for-letter, number-for-number, and symbol-for-symbol to not be tricked by scammers and bots. Readings are only available when you email me at I will never Direct/Private Message or Email anyone soliciting my products and services.  I do not