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A Psychic Cleanse

Overwhelmed by the energy flying around? The fear, hate, rage, and sadness? You've gotta cleanse, ground, shield yourselves, especially if you're psychic. 

Here is one way that I reset and protect myself:

Take a epsom salt bath/shower. Over the years, I've found epsom salt to be a great psychic cleanser, but I've also used sea salt, regular salt, and salt scrubs. You can put some in a bath and soak, or if you've no bath like me, I put some in a big cup and filled it with hot/warm water. Then I ask for blessings over the water--you don't have to do this. You could charge the water with your own intentions or ask your spirit allies to help. I believe that the object is just an object, until the spirit/energy is activated, however that happens.

Once I feel the energies active, I step into my shower. You don't have to do this, but I like to anoint each of my chakras/energy centers with the epsom salt water. Then I pour it over my head, making sure to cover most of my body. I visualize/know that the lustral/charged water is cleansing my energies, my shields, and that the unwanted energies are going down the drain to be recycled and reused by the Earth. And that if I've asked for blessing, they have been given.

I wash it all off, and go about my usual showering. (Note that our shampoos and soaps are also enchanted or blessed with psychic cleansing wards, which you can do, too. You don't have to be a clergy/holy person to bless things. If you have Deities or Spirit Allies, ask them for their blessings over objects, foods, yourself. Or you can find soap makers who do this process for you.) Once finished, I am cleansed, grounded, and my shields are recharged.
Good luck in however you reset and protect yourselves.

Thanks for your support,
- Priestess Oracle Foxlyn Wren
