You will be expected to have read & agreed to these before purchasing a Service.
Hearth Fox Oracle only accepts clients who are 18+ years old.
Hearth Fox Oracle is an inclusive diverse business and community, and stands against hate and bigotry.Hearth Fox Oracle welcomes all races, genders, sexual orientations, identities, classes, and belief systems.
Hearth Fox Oracle is not a healthcare professional, mental health specialist, herbalist, financial advisor, lawyer, etc. I cannot diagnose or prescribe anything--I can only give advice and suggestions. Regardless of how the session goes, please consult a professional. I also strongly encourage you to be in contact with a mental health professional, but I also understand how difficult that can be. If you need help, I will do my best to listen without judgement, aid you with blessings and spell work, and to guide you to support groups, organizations, financial programs, shelters, crisis centers, licensed spiritual counselors, etc.
If you are having harmful thoughts or are in emotional/mental/physical distress please contact your healthcare provider, emergency number, or visit my list of Crisis Hotlines.
Hearth Fox Oracle is not responsible for the client's actions regarding any service. It is up to the client whether or not these sessions aid with growth and healing.
Hearth Fox Oracle does not answer questions about pregnancy, legal, or finances.
Divination can show paths that you can take for healing, growth, and success. Divination gives advice and shows possible outcomes, not absolutes. The client's results may vary.
These readings are not the end-all, be-all of your life. By all means seek others for advice or readings. Others may be able to see or explain things in a way that's best for you to understand.
Hearth Fox Oracle will never charge you to remove curses. The chance of you actually being cursed is very low. Please be aware that if a psychic says that you are cursed, most of the time, it is a scam. I strongly suggest either getting a second opinion from another psychic/healer.
Hearth Fox Oracle will not be making any other profiles or websites unless I post it on an existing link. To see all of my links and accounts, please visit my Contacts.
Hearth Fox Oracle is not responsible for a scammer's actions.
Hearth Fox Oracle is not responsible if you are tricked by a scammer.
Hearth Fox Oracle will never DM, Email, or Leave a Comment to sell you something unless I have your permission first.
Hearth Fox Oracle does not do giveaways or contests.
There is no guarantee that the products or services will work 100% of the time, regarding magikal, metaphysical, spiritual, or divination matters.
For Online Products, Hearth Fox Oracle accepts Card.
For Off-line Products, Hearth Fox Oracle accepts Card, Cash and Trade.
For my Services, Hearth Fox Oracle accepts Venmo, Cash, and Trade.
A trade doesn't have to equal the price of the session. You can send me as much or as little as you wish. If you want to trade, I will send you a link to my Amazon Wishlist. If you don't want to do business through Amazon, we can work something out.
Once you email me, I will respond within 1-3 business days and contact you for a free consultation, where we'll talk about what you're looking for, and figure out if I'm a good fit for your needs. If you decide to hire me, we'll talk about payment and scheduling.
Once your payment has been received, expect confirmation within 1-3 business days. If it is an Email Session, you will receive it within 1-3 business days. If Hearth Fox Oracle cannot comply, you will be fully refunded.
Regarding the Oracle Sessions, you will be given a copy of the typed/written session. You may also record the session.
Recordings are just for the client. Do not sell or share the video in any way without Hearth Fox Oracle's written consent.
Hearth Fox Oracle will save screenshots and recordings of our conversations and readings for my records. Hearth Fox Oracle will not share these readings unless the client has given permission or if it's required by a court of law. Clients can request a copy of their records by email at any time, with no additional fees.
Any additional fees will be added if they are necessary. We will discuss if there are additions. I won't just charge you.
Please contact Hearth Fox Oracle for a reschedule or cancellation 2 hours before the appointment for a full refund. If you do not comply, you will receive a half refund. I will give you 1-3 business day to contact me before I do anything with the refund.
Please be on time for sessions. After 15 minutes, we will reschedule or cancel. If you are able to, contact me. Life happens and I completely understand, but communication is key. My time is valuable, too.
After a session, Hearth Fox Oracle asks that you leave feedback via email to let me know how I'm doing, what I can improve on, and to share your experience with others (if you wish).
If you have any questions or comments please email Hearth Fox Oracle at: Thank you! - Priestess Oracle Kristy "Foxlyn Wren" Tackett