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Showing posts from August, 2023

Patience, Little One!

Loki's all up in my brain this afternoon, wanting me to draw cards from a deck that I don't use very often (although it's one of my oldest decks), the Robin Wood Tarot. I've used cards from this deck for spells, so it's not exactly a full deck (kind of fitting, though, present company!). But it's want He wants to use.   So Loki, what's your message? 5 of Cups - Look for the positives. Strength Reversed - A fear of loneliness. 6 of Cups Reversed - Delay. Hm, quite different than yesterday...well kind of. It's more like "Hey yesterday's reading is still happening, just not quite as quick your impatient butt would like. Don't fret." Yesterday, I did have one of those down moments of small business when I visited my et y and saw new shop favorites and likes, but still no purchases.   Bittersweet, right? I appreciate the likes, follows, and hearts of course! Thank yall for those! Having purchases would definitely be a cherry on top. Not a fa

Witch Tip: Nail Magick

 Witch Tip: Keep your nails--real or fake--to use them in self love, glamour, inner child, protection, and other intentional spells. June 17 , 2023 I got acrylics back in June and absolutely loved them. They made me and my Inner Child super happy, lovely, and mystical. Now as they fall off, I'm keeping them to be powdered for future spells. They've had weeks of charging. I also paid $50 for them, I'm getting money out of them (before I got them I struggled to justify spending that much on something like nails). Also if you or another are skilled, you can paint symbols, sigils, runes, etc onto your nails too (under or top), for various magiks, protections, luck, inspiration, creation, healing...whatever you need. Also enchant your nail polishes and gels, too!

Flattery WILL Get You Somewhere!

 As soon as I grabbed my Frigg figure this morning, I got a psychic ping by Loki. I drew a card from His deck and got "You're the Shit and don't forget it!" Yeah, I'll take a compliment from a Deity!  But He wasn't done there. He also had me pull cards from the Fairy Tale Fortune by Liz Dean and Bev Speight. As I shuffled, I also saw the word "study". Since the Honeysweet ritual on Sunday, I've taken this week to rest from my usual seidr and Ar nDraiocht Fein studies and essay writing (I gotta write 11 of these for the Dedicant Path). I've been crocheting, actually. The acrylic nails that I got back in June kind of forced me to go on break from fiber arts and writing (they're just now starting to fall off [although I had taken a metal file to them last week because I need to type notes, damn it]. I'm collecting 'witch nails' to powder for future self-love, beauty, and inner child magics!).   Back to Loki, yes, I am plan


I've been getting ready for a ritual that I'm hosting on Sunday called Honeysweet! Honeysweet is a month long celebration of the sweetness in our lives. Our joys, laughs, loves, gratitude, and even goals. Sweetnesses, like Bee's honey, that are to help nourish us through the darkness of winter...or anytime you find yourself in darkness. In years past, I've had attendees write their joys, and even griefs, on paper, and fold this paper into origami bees. Paper bees to be burned or unfolded when need be. This year I'm doing something a little different. Honeysweet Hives. This year, I finished crocheting myself a Honeysweet Hive, and I plan on making attendees boxes. Basically it's a Gratitude Jar . This can be a joyous time of the year...but also a heavy one, too. So reach into your Hives and pull out a photo, a note, an origami bee--something to help brighten your day. As someone with depression and SAD, Gratitude Jars have been literal life saviors in the past. I