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Showing posts from June, 2023

PDC Summer Solstice Gathering, PT 1

Yesterday Facebook group, Pagans of Delaware County (Ohio) held a Summer Solstice Meet'n'Greet'n'Ritual.  We talked and laughed, cooked and ate together, learned about the Summer Solstice, and made ribbon rings and wands.  It was a lot of fun and exciting, too!  We even had a mouse guest that my middle son first spotted. When we arrive at the shelter, I greeted the Nature Spirits and asked if it was okay to have ritual there.  They said yes.  Crystal and I cleansed, warded, and blessed the area and the altar.  We ate and laughed.  Offered some free divination and made dancing ribbons of different colors.  After Crystal talked about the solstice, I talk a bit about color magick for folks to think about as their made their rings and wands. I asked first that they think about what certain colors mean to them.  Then I talked about what different colors may mean in different cultures, religions, and traditions.  I went into chakras a little bit and gave general color meanin

Blessed Solstice & Happy First Day of Summer!

Vestal Rhea has a solstice message for those of the Hearth Fox Oracle community!  Really anyone who reads this post and resonates with the cards.   The Vestal has selected the Pride Tarot. Vestal Rhea, representative of the Living Flame, Goddess Vesta, what is your message for us on this Summer Solstice? 1) Past - Queen of Wands - Determination.  Getting to know your Shadow Self, its needs, its desires.  Learning how to work together to become whole. 2) Present - The Empress - Nurturing, Abundance.  Take a look around you and be grateful for what you've worked for.  Today, tomorrow, next, anytime this season, make time to be outside.  Take in the beauty and sounds.  Ground your wild energies to balance and see clearly.  Allow earth's compassion to flow through you, to help you learn to compassionate for others and yourself.  You cannot pour of an empty vessel. 3) Future - Queen of Cups - Compassion, Caring.  Take the time to learn how to hold safe space for yourself and othe

Back From My Break

The Vestalia has ended, and I'm back from my break. I haven't gotten to the divine messages from Vesta or Vestal Rhea yet, but I will. I've injured my toes this noon (last night, too, same toes), so I may not get to the divination today. I took a break for the Vestalia this week and got some great insight from the Vestals. Regarding my business and my mental health, I'm just gonna keep doing me and not what FB wants me to do. I figure it's like trying to lose weight for health--can't keep your eyes on the scales, otherwise you'll become enslaved by numbers and abused by FB's systems, and lose sight of the reasons and the goals.   At least that's how I feel about scales--I don't use em, because I know how I get if I do. Same goes for FB algorithms--who just feel like an abusive parent to me at this point--telling me that I'm lazy when I'm working my butt  I'm going to try to break myself from looking at those numbers, because burn out

Happy Vestalia!

The Vestalia is a Roman festival honoring the Hearth and Home Goddess and the Living Flame Vesta; I also honor the Greek Hearth and Home Goddess Hestia and the spirits of the Vestals.  I've been celebrating this holy time for a few years, since learning about it back in the early 2010's, when I was exploring Roman and Greek Paganism.  The festival is from June 7th to the 15th.  This is one of my most important holy times, especially now as a Priestess of Hestia-Vesta (a Hearth Keeper for Hestia and a Vestal for Vesta--Their words, not mine).  You may notice that I often hyphenate Their names, because sometimes They appear as one goddess and other times as two, purely a personal choice, not a historical one. My Vestalia Shrine. June 9, 2023 Starting in the back, left to right: a statue inherited from my grandmother representing family love, a satchel of my kids' altar stuff, a red protection satchel sitting in a bowl one of my kids' made, a Vestal, Vesta (at Her feet tha

Happy Pride Month!

🦊 🏳️‍🌈 💗 💛 💙 Card draw from the Pride Tarot. Dionysus steps forward for today's message: 9 of Pentacles, 3 of Cups, Judgement Love and celebrate life, support and embrace your community, however that may look and be. "Lift" yourself and each other up, especially when ones fallen...or perhaps have never been outside of that dark pit. This is a time of joy, remembrance, honoring, and acceptance. 🌈