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Showing posts from October, 2022

Taking a Short Break!

  I'm in the process of moving to a new home. As soon as I get my PC back up, my Services and Products will be available. I will update on the Hearth Fox Blog, found only on my Linktree (in bio). Thanks for your patience and support! -Rev. Foxlyn Wren.

Blessed Dark Moon & Deipnon!

 Hey yall!  This month has been a difficult month for me, and I'm going to do a reading for myself, using a spread from Hearth Wisdom Store : I'm going to be really busy next week and I may not be able to do any divination.  I'm also going to be putting my Etsy Shop on hiatus until I get settled.  I'll make a post when I reopen my shop and services.  Right now, on this Dark Moon, I need some advice from my Ancestors.  It's been rough.  If you feel drawn, I encourage yall to give this spread a try.   I'm going to be using the Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitani, a deck that I've dedicated to the Healer Entities in my life. 1) Which Ancestors are present? While typing this, I heard "Grandmothers". 4 of Wands - Success, Happiness, Family 2) What strengths have I inherited from you?   I heard "Determination."  I see my 3xGrandmother Maw Sallie.  "Magik."  "Sight"  "Healing"  "Protection"  "Li

Message from Baba Yaga

 Message from Baba Yaga on October 23, 2022.

New Ritual Gear!

  I love Halloween, it's the best time to find props and masks for rituals and magik.  Take em home, cleanse, bless, enchant, and dedicate. I am a fan of antlers and horns, and I've always wanted a ritual headdress with them (every since I saw a togruta [Star Wars], I've always wanted their montrals and headtails as spiritual garb).  Spirit Halloween had a great horn selection, but also a bit pricey or they just looked better with hair or wigs.  I don't have any nice fun wigs yet.  I was hoping to find a better deer antler mask or headband--better yet reindeer antlers (there were a couple, but they didn't look very nice).  For the last few years, since learning about the Reindeer Mother, every Yule I do a ritual honoring Her and Elen of the Ways.  I've been wanting to wear reindeer cow antlers for my fall and winter rituals.   I've found beautiful reindeer cow antlered headdresses on Etsy, Amazon, and other places, made by hand by other spiritual people, but

Relationship Readings Now Available!

Hearth Fox Oracle does not answer questions about health, pregnancy, legal, or finances... But I do offer relationship readings now, available with any   Oracle and Psychic Service in The Hearth Fox Shop . I didn't used to offer them, because I wasn't comfortable.  But thanks to my Ministry Service , I've had lots of practice doing relationship readings for people, and now I'm very comfortable.   I've also made changes to the website, especially the The Hearth Fox Shop , hopefully it's easier to get around and understand now. And I lowered my prices on this website, too.  Some of the prices are the same or less than Etsy .  As for my Square Shop, I wasn't getting much traffic there, so I've stopped accepting purchases there for a bit.  I've been focusing more on my Priestess duties and studies, and haven't spent a lot of time promoting my products.  That'll change soon as I figure out how to balance everything.   I am still accepting client