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Showing posts from November, 2022

40% Off Sale!

At Hearth Fox Oracle, I'm having a 40% off Sale on all Summer and Fall items! Handmade pouches of different sizes, elder futhark and witch runes, pendulums, and one-of-a-kind art work. Great gifts for the magical people in your lives, and you! Have a lovely weekend!

Happy Holidays!


40% Off Sale Happening Now!

Hearth Fox Oracle's 40% Off Sale on all Summer and Fall Items! The sale ends December 15th, 2022.  Only on:

Well Looks Like I'm Giving Another Social Platform a Try (Updated)

 I'm on Mastodon .  I just joined a bit ago and I'm not entirely sure about it, but I'm giving it a go.   I've never really been tech savvy.   I had heard about it from a couple of others on Twitter who haven't left yet, but wasn't sure (I've been thinking about leaving Twitter and Instagram, too [ig just has too many bots and scammers]).  Then I saw Mat Auryn share about a server, and decided, what the hey? ------ November 23, 2022 - Twitter Update Hearth Fox Oracle no longer has a Twitter account.  I will not be making a new one any time soon.


Happy Friday! One of my students has expressed interest in learning about the Elder Futhark Runes.  I'm very excited to teach her what I know, including how to make her own set. For those who'd like to learn about the Elder Futhark Rune's history and use in magik and divination, the books that I recommend are: - The Way of Fire and Ice by Ryan Smith - Nordic Runes by Paul Rhys Mountfort - Taking Up the Runes by Diana Paxson If you're interested in your own set, I make and sell Runes on my Etsy. Handmade, charged with the right energies, blessed, and they come with a guide card. Some with and some without a pouch. If you have a set, but are looking for something to protect your tools, I also crochet pouches! Keep an eye out, because on November 15th my Winter Products will be available, and they make great gifts! Thank you for your support! - Rev. Oracle Foxlyn Wren

Open Again!

Hearth Fox Oracle's Etsy Shop is open!  Come check out our fantastic fall products, from crocheted pouches to spiritual artwork!

Plug Into the Moon

After seeing Byron Ballard's warning for the next 48 hours  last night, I grounded myself between earth and universe, Gods and humans--the liminal. I plunged my energy roots deep and wide, so that no storm could knock me down. I connected with my new home and the land and the stars (I can see the stars now!). I went outside and looked up into the bright round moon, perfectly framed by three tree branches. Sister Moon, how long has it been since I've simply gone outside and gazed? Opened myself to your energies? Too long. I charged my shields, my husband's and children's shields, our home, vehicle, and property shields. I turned my attention next to the land and nature spirits. I had already given introductory offerings on Midfall, but tonight was different. It was dark, bitterly cold, and quiet.  I was alone. After standing there for a few minutes, I went back inside to get to my Priestly duties: asking what the Spirit Fam wants for offerings, of course. The Healers wan

Etsy Update

As it turns out, when you get a new home, you don't have enough money for other things, like Etsy fees.  My shop is temporarily suspended, but will be back up on Thursday or Friday.  This gives me time to plan for my winter products and the fall item sale.   Also being moved in means that I can work on those new products that I've been wanting to craft: the Greek Alphabet Oracle and Younger Futhark Runes!   I'm looking forward to doing general community messages and card/rune pulls again, too.   I maybe broke for the moment, but lots is to come for Hearth Fox Oracle.   Stay tuned, yall!  Thank you for your support! - Rev. Oracle Foxlyn Wren


  Hearth Fox Oracle is back from the short break!  Visit  Etsy for my Products or the website for my services ! Updates: Due to Elon Musk owning Twitter, I'm thinking about deleting that account...also because I don't get a lot of traffic from there either.  And I follow a lot of people, yet my feed is full of the same people--mostly retweets--and politics.   Instagram hasn't been letting me post anything either.  No notifications about being in trouble or anything, it's just not allowing me to post.  It also stopped working on my phone, no amount of reinstalling has worked.   Here's hoping that Facebook keeps working, as much as that website annoys me.  I maybe looking into other social media platform.  I am on Vero , check me out there. Should I delete Twitter and Instagram, you will hear it here first.