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Priestess Services

As of Jan 2024, I am currently not offering these services due to mourning. 

Greetings!  I am Priestess Oracle Kristy "Foxlyn Wren" Tackett.  I am an Eclectic Witch and Polytheist with nearly 30 years of practice and knowledge.  I have 10 years of experience as a member, co-teacher, and co-leader of five circles (in-person and online), which include writing and leading various kinds of rituals and spell workings, secular and non-secular.  For more information, see my About Me.

These Services are only available to Ohioans.  Travel and lodging expenses will be added to the cost, if location is outside of Delaware County.

I will be accompanied by a small team for safety and assistance.

Hearth Fox Oracle is inclusive and stands against bigotry and hate.  I do not discriminate against race, gender, sexuality, class, spiritual beliefs, or ability.  I refuse to work with those who do.


My services:

Hearth Fox Oracle accepts Paypal, Venmo, and Trade. If you'd prefer to trade for my services, I will send you a link to my Amazon Wishlist or we can talk about other options.  You can select anything from the list, be it below or above the price of the service. The trade doesn't have to equal the price of the service.

If you are interested in these services or have any questions, please read through the Ethics and Policies. Then email me at  I will contact you within 1-3 business days. We'll have a consultation session first to see what you need and if I can help you. Then we'll move onto payment and so on.

Hearth Fox Oracle is not a healthcare/mental health professional, herbalist, financial advisor, lawyer, therapist, counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist,  etc.  Please consult a professional

If you are having harmful thoughts or are in emotional/mental/physical distress please contact your healthcare provider, emergency number, or visit this list of Crisis Hotlines.
