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Witch Tip: Nail Magick

 Witch Tip: Keep your nails--real or fake--to use them in self love, glamour, inner child, protection, and other intentional spells.

June 17 , 2023

I got acrylics back in June and absolutely loved them. They made me and my Inner Child super happy, lovely, and mystical. Now as they fall off, I'm keeping them to be powdered for future spells. They've had weeks of charging. I also paid $50 for them, I'm getting money out of them (before I got them I struggled to justify spending that much on something like nails).

Also if you or another are skilled, you can paint symbols, sigils, runes, etc onto your nails too (under or top), for various magiks, protections, luck, inspiration, creation, healing...whatever you need.

Also enchant your nail polishes and gels, too!
