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Showing posts from June, 2024

Blessed Solstice and Strawberry Moon!

 In my family, we celebrate the High Days for three days.  Yesterday we saved a Gray Treefrog from a scorching death, we had Bdubs for dinner, and we caught lightning bugs in the evening.  We have more planned this weekend. A Gray Treefrog I didn't know we had Treefrogs in Ohio This little dude was green with yellow on its legs, and kind of reminded me of the throw that I'm working on. I'm also participating in a Make-a-Long in a fiber artist Facebook Group by Devin Hunter and Arin Murphy-Hiscock called  Fiber Spirit .  The MAL is focusing on Manifest, thus whatever we're making has to manifest something.  It started yesterday and ends on August 1st. I got some yarn from a friend a couple of weeks ago and it had 6 crocheted patches in it.  So I made more, with the intention of having Sunna bless it on the Summer Solstice with the overflowing positive energies of joy, good health, and abundance.  Each piece was made with those intentions.  Yesterday, I starting joining t

The First Day of Summer Will Soon Be Here

 (Copy/paste from my Druidry Blog ) The Summer Solstice is in a couple of days and I'm excited. I've been feeling the Norse Solar Goddess Sunna poking at me over the last few months. I'm working on a kid-friendly ritual to honor Her with my family, without the wasps and sudden possession this time! Yes, last year, I hosted a Summer Solstice ritual with a local group (before I joined ADF).  We had the ritual in a shelter at Delaware State Park (Ohio) and I was unknowingly standing under a wasp nest that was beneath a sign.  I was stung 5 times--once on my thumb and 4 on my thigh.  Some of the attendees were surprised by how I handled it.  I wasn't crying, cursing, or hating the wasps or myself.  After some ice and a few minutes to sit, I just moved the altar and continued.  Don't get me wrong, it hurt!  But whether I was sitting or performing the rite, it'd still be hurting, so I decided to go on with ritual that I had worked so hard on planning.  Honestly, the w

How My Vestalia is Going & Hestia the Invisible

Boo!  I've been sick this Vestalia and haven't been able to do my usual stuff, minus a deep spiritual cleanse of my home and a re-warding.  First I cleansed my home by asking the Norse Solar Goddess Sunna to cleanse my property and vehicle with sunlight.  Then I went inside and opened the windows and curtains for that spring breeze and sunshine.  The weather has actually been pretty nice this Vestalia, with temps in the 60's-75F.  I've been spending a lot of time outside resting, reading, and crocheting. Inside, I lit the sage bundle by saying, " In the names of Hestia-Vesta and the Vestals, I light this sage to cleanse my home of all unwanted energies and entities.  You are not wanted here and must leave! "  I walked my home counterclockwise to banish those unwanted energies.  Then I declared what energies and entities are welcome. I cleansed the home again with energy, to get those pesky nooks and crannies, like under my trailer. Next, I re-warded and rechar

Happy, Safe, & Gentle Pride Month!

 TW/CW: My LGBTQ+ Pride Story This is a Pansexual Pride Blanket that I started on July 28, 2019 and finished on March 10, 2023. It wasn't supposed to take me that long. I flew through the pink, but when I got to the yellow, I slowed down significantly, because it's just one solid block of color and it bored my ADHD. Because of that, the yellow is only 2 skeins. Overall, the blanket is made from 9-10 skeins of yarn, and is approx. 80x40 inches. It's not straight (HA!) by any means, and it tapers, but it's a favorite blanket around the house, one that I specifically pull out of storage for the month of June. I'm not sure if it is finished. Originally I wanted to put a Bisexual Flag border around it, but I wasn't able to afford the yarns for that part at the time. I still may make a bi pride flag blanket. Then I thought that if I do that, then I join them together as one massive pride blanket! Why bi, when I have a pan flag blanket? Well, because I used