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Safe Winter Rune Magik

On Feb 16 2025, we got a great snow storm, although hubby had to get up and go to work. From my bed, I also got to work... I do want to mention that I have a a bindrune already in our vehicle—a protection spell that I often feed to keep it working. But I think this spell can be used regardless of whether or not you have an existing spell. On the early morning of February 16th, as my husband was getting ready for work, I laid in bed and listened to the icy rain snow mixture hitting our house. Ting ting tinx ting tinx ting! Hm, sounded slick outside. I closed my eyes and went out to our vehicle in the astral. Over the last couple of days, I’d been sleeping a lot. Not sure why, I didn’t feel ill, just exhausted. Could be a combination of starting my period and doing big magiks on the full moon on Wednesday, not sure. Either way I wasn’t sure what my energy were going to look like that day, so I opened a well to the Source and used that energy to feed the bindrune that I already ha...
Recent posts

Red Threaded Wine

 About a week ago, I wrote a post that was supposed to be about my relationship with Dionysus and Ariadne, but turned into Myth Gods and Real Gods . When I was a teen I had a handful of deities: Sister Moon, Hestia, Vesta, Artemis, Hephaestus, and Anubis. Over the years, that number would change, especially as I started working more with animal spirits. Then as I went through a phase of dark depression and rejected being an artist—I listened to what asshole students and teachers of Wright State University’s art department, who said that I was mediocre and talentless and had no place in that major. I pushed Hephaestus away, and the others (although Hestia-Vesta and Sister Moon stayed). (My drawing teacher, Penny, brought me back by saying that I had the potential, but I was standing in my way). In 2014, I started working with the Roman Ceres. During one of my full moon rites with Her, Sister Moon, and the Land Spirits, Dionysus showed up. He stayed…and with Him came a flood of...

What Survived

  I recently finished  Ariadne  by Jennifer Saint. It was the Hellenic take of Ariadne’s story (as She is originally a sovereign Minoan Underworld Goddess), although I won’t tell you which ending the author chose in case you want to read it too. I am a fan of modern mythology and retellings. Giving voices to those who had none in most of the old stories. Exposing so-called “heroes” who don’t deserve hero-worship as the dishonorable POS they were. In the Hellenic stories, Ariadne was the Princess of Crete who helped Perseus escape the labyrinth after he killed the Minotaur. She escaped with him and the dbag abandoned her on an island and moved on with his life as a celebrated hero. Now there’s different versions of the story, one of which Perseus attempts to spread in the book. But with the old stories, sometimes Ariadne dies on the island and other times, Dionysus falls in love with her, she becomes his wife, and an immortal. How this all happens…well, different versions....

Hearth Fox Oracle is No Longer on Instagram

I know I said that I was going to wait until February to leave Instagram, but this morning I woke up in a Fuck-It mood.  After weighing everything, from business stuff to my ethics and principles, I said fuck it, and deleted my account.  Let's start fresh-ish on another social media platform. Just know that I cast no judgement towards those who stay on Meta.  People have many reasons, from business to family and friends.  Plus some can separate the owners from the platforms, just as they can artists from the art.   Let's stay in touch!  You can check my Contacts .

Be the Trickster, Control Your Fear

  In the dream, I looked outside to see Pres-Elect Fafnir Smaug hobbling up my steps, with a cane... For more, please check out and subscribe to my Substack . I won't make a post like this again for free posts that that site, but I will for the paid ones.   Thanks for your support! ~ Priestess Oracle Kristy Tackett


  My hubby bought me a Hekate statue. Look at Her! Fuckin gorgeous! No boob/s out. No ridiculously huge hair or feathers or whatever's going on with one of those other popular statues. When this one was first released, I fell in love. I haven't cared for the other Hekate statues that I've seen over the years. I don't have an issue with boobs or nudity (I have a Minoan Snake Goddess and Kat Shaw oracle decks for crying out loud--I'm also pansexual--I love boobs!), but I don't see Hekate like that. She's always clothed when She comes to me. Plus She's one of my Spiritual Mothers. I don't want to see Her breasts. I also like how the statue's face isn't youthful, it actually looks like the face of an older woman. Sometimes when Hekate comes to me, She either looks like a Teen/Young Adult or a mature 30-50-year-old woman. Barefoot. Hooded cloak, usually of dark colors, but also of saffron. Torch holding. Sometimes with a partial head covering. I c...

More Social Media Changes

I'm just doing some Midwinter cleaning on my IG. As the snow and ice melt outside, I've deleted hundreds of photos, leaving only recent posts, products, reviews, and Messages from Spirit at the moment. I'm going to be leaving Instagram next month, as I can't stand Meta's cowardly actions any longer. I'm not closing Hearth Fox Oracle. You can find my other places on the Link Tree in my profile. I'm also on Substack: Thanks for the support over the years, and I hope you will be able to continue. <3 © 2025 Hearth Fox Oracle


 Well, I've decided to use Substack.  Here's my first post over there: I'm still keeping my Blogspots, but I may keep special posts over there, such as Pick-a-Tools and what not.  I haven't really decided.  But it was recommended, so I decided to try it out. Thank for the support! - Priestess Kristy "Foxlyn" Tackett

My Inner Children

 Content Warning: Eating Disorders, Abuse, Addictions, Body Shaming, Suicide Good Sunday, yall.  Today I've decided to show off my Healing Altar, or my Arete Altar.  Arete is a Hellenic Pillar meaning to be your best self, which is the focus of my healing magiks and shadow work.  Heal the mind, heal the body, heal the spirit.  Heal, become empowered, strong, kind, and confident.  Learn what it means to be better and how to be my best self. This altar has different entities and energies represented on it, such as: Green Tara the Obstacle Remover Kuan Yin the Merciful and Compassionate Shiva a God of Destruction Eir, Norse Goddess of Healing and one of Frigg's Maidens and Odinn's Valkyries Mother Mary Mary Magdalene Goat for Dionysus, a God of Moderation, Addictions, and a Liberator A Fox for Loki the Shapeshifter and Chaos Navigator  Hekate, Protector of Children and Goddess of Witches Medusa, Dark Feminine Energies, Avenger of the Sexually Abused Purif...

The Cailleach's Message--Swords and Tangles

Last night I was working on writing a Midwinter (Feb 1st) ritual.  I have one that I wrote for my family last year, but I hardly ever use the same script.  Last year, my family focused on Cailleach and how soon spring would return.  This year I'm feeling a pull to Elen of the Ways, or as my guides named her the "Antlered Guidess ". As I was writing it, I kept seeing this Antlered Goddess, whom I am a priestess of.  She wanted to focus on guiding.  Okay, I needed more details, so I got out my Imbolc Oracle deck (by Lorraine Anderson and Juliet Diaz).  A card jumped from the deck.  I drew one more. Bloodstone and Aquarius.  Ignoring the truth and the need to surrender is what I gathered from these cards.   I asked aloud, "So yall want me to focus on truth for this rite?" Then Someone spoke through me using the keyboard (so gracefully, too, as if They were playing a piano.  Normally when entities do automatic writing/typing with me The...