I put the poly in polytheism, yall! It feels like my personal pantheon is growing larger every year. Some Entities I knew in other lives, others are completely new.
Why are there so many? I honestly don't know, I do think it has part to do with past lives and possibly with my oracle abilities.
I made a decision a few years ago that I wanted to use my psychic and mediumship abilities to help my community, and I learned that I have a knack for channeling, trance, and consensual possession. My close gods gave me a taste of channeling, automatic typing/writing/drawing, and possessory trance, and I made another decision to study and train to be a vessel for the Gods, Spirits, and the Dead to help my community.
I don't speak for the Gods by any means, but They speak through me to deliver messages for those in need and those who ask. I know it's a little confusing, when an entity speaks through me, I'm not usually present and can't remember much afterwards--sometimes it's like I'm in a waiting room OR I'm watching the entity talking to people that I can't see (aka the client/audience). Usually these messages are personal, meant only for me or for one person or a small group of people. Messages for whomever they resonate.
I'm not ordering people around and begging for worship. I'm no prophet or messiah. I don't want followers. I'm not forming any cults. I'm certainly not special, as there are many legit people with these abilities, who call themselves and their practice different terms.
My goal is to help people discover their strength to become their own healers. I evoke and invoke entities to help people who may not be able to hear them, may not know how to contact these entities, or maybe they feel like they're too close to the problem. There's a lot of different reasons why someone may come to a psychic, medium, mystic, oracle, seer, card slinger, or whatever folks may call themselves within the divination communities.
I can evoke and invoke entities who have permission from my Teachers and Guardians. I prefer working with entities that I already have some type of relationship with, due to safety concerns and because it's easier and faster to connect with Them. Ancestors and friends of clients can get approved by my Guardians usually without issues. (If I'm unable to connect with you, you'll get your money back! Whatever the reason, I may not be the psychic for you.)
Here's a list about the entities in my life--They are my Spiritual Family, my Mentors, my Guides, and my Guardians. I love and am grateful for each of Them for everything They've done, do, and continue to do for myself, my family, and my community.
Below, what I mean by an entity's "Preferred Tools" is the tools that They tend to use with me. They may or not have favorite tools with you or another.
If you have any respectful questions or comments, please comment below or email me.
- Priestess Oracle Kristy "Foxlyn Wren" Tackett
Entities Whom I Serve, Have Invoked, and (Their Preferred Tools)
Hestia (Everyday Witch Oracle), Vesta (Everyday Witch Oracle, Mythic Oracle), Artemis, Hekate (Guardian of the Night, Greek Alphabet Oracle), Kuan Yin (Tarot of the Divine), Dionysus (Starman Tarot, Pride Tarot), Medusa (The Wild Unknown's Archetypes), Hermes, Persephone (Biddy Tarot), Ariadne (Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle), Loki (Elder Futhark Runes, Rebel Unicorn, Wildwood Tarot), Odin (Elder Futhark Runes, Mirror Scrying, Urban Crow Oracle), The Morrigan (The Crow Tarot), Reindeer Woman, Freyja (Elder Futhark Runes), Frigg, Apollon, Eir, Baba Yaga (Shamanic Healing Oracle), Lilith (ROAR Oracle, Womanrunes), Cerridwen, Frau Holle, Brigit, The Cailleach (Seasons of the Witch: Imbolc), Vestal Virgins, The Maenads.-----------------------------------------------------
Entities Who're Actively in my Life, Have Invoked, and (Their Preferred Tools)
Hephaestus, Green Tara (Tarot of the Divine), The Madonna, Mary Magdalene, Ceres, Shiva, Elen of the Ways, Baldur, Tyr, Sister Moon, Father Sun, Mother Earth, Ursadeity, Death, Prometheus, Selene, Hades, Pan, The Melissae, Skadi, Archangel Michael, Ancestors & Friends, Nature Spirits.
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