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Shrine Share #2


Family Shrine
September 1, 2024

It's September!  20 or so days until it's officially Fall.  I can feel the transitioning this weekend, as it's been very windy, with dying leaves blowing all over, and today the temps were nice.  A lovely day for a cookout on this Labor Day here in the US.  We have the windows all open, letting in the fresh air, and finally giving the A.C. a break.  Here's hoping the weather only get better from here...and not random swings of hell with a jump to winter temps.  I'd like to be able to enjoy fall weather this year.

Pictured above is our Family Shrine.  A mix mash of entities, items, and things made by my kids for the Kindreds.  My kids have small satchels for their special spiritual items, such as a stone dog, stone whale, and a stone t-rex. 

Let's take a quick look at what else there is, starting with the wall:

  • A framed certificate from ADF stating that the Wren's Nest is an official hearth of the Mother Grove, joining our Fire with other hearths.  
  • There's real skeleton keys (that our ancestors actually used) and fake skeleton keys hanging on the wall.  
  • A locket with my kids picture in it.
  • Note card of the ADF Hearth Keeper's Prayer, which I read before lighting the Unity Candle at this shrine.  I tend to light this candle before doing any kind of candle magik here.  Behind that card is another prayer for dedicating new Unity Candles.
  • A little stone Venus of Willendorf
  • 3 Satchels belonging to my kids.  
  • A coiled offering bowl made by one of my sons.  
  • The couple statue forms a heart.  I inherited this from my grandmother 10 years ago, this month, actually.  Something that I use to represent family love.
  • A spice container holding blessed ashes.
  • A little veiled figure representing a Vestal Virgin.
  • Another coiled bowl, upside down.
  • Persephone statue.
  • A wooden Ada Spirit of Artemis.
  • A Bee toy representing The Melissae.
  • Hestia sitting on a larger coiled bowl, with my business cards and a crochet hook behind the bowl.
  • A ceramic hand made by one of my other kids.  
  • A green ceramic dish with 6 wooden pegs representing each member of my family.
  • A larger ceramic dish made by one of my kids, sitting on a plate that's either used for offerings or tealight.
  • Viper figure representing our family's Agathos Daimon--Good or House Spirit--who protects us.  
  • Hearth Stone, found on this property that I sit the ADF Unity candle on.  
  • A little Chinese or Japanese Dragon that represents our Guardians.  
  • Goddess carved from bone--I've had her for a long time.  
  • All sitting on a red scarf--red for the season of fall.
So that is my Family's shrine.  All dusted and reorganized up for the coming season of Fall.  I'm pretty excited for Fall--the energy in the air is charged--hopefully with good things, and not scary tyrannical orange thingsI'm personally feeling good about life.  Maybe deleting my Facebook has something to do with that--no doom and gloom or stupid fights.  Just me and my family, my art and my business.  In about a month, I'm going to be vending and offering readings at Pagan Fest at Polen Farm in Kettering, Ohio.  Yay!  If you're in the area, come on out and support the community!

It's also time for me to brainstorm ritual ideas.  Normally for Fall Equinox, I write a ritual about Persephone's return to the Underworld.  I take attendees on a journey through a bee hive to meet with Persephone as She makes the journey.  Last year, I did a ritual about the beauty of release, using a children's book called The Fox and the Falling Leaves by Julie Rawlinson.

That was a potent ritual where I had many lessons about release and rest.  Nearly a year later, and I've made another important decision about release for my healing journey.  More release and lots of rest!

This year I don't know if I'm going to write a new ritual.  I'm kind of feeling like chilling this Equinox.  Sitting on the porch, wrapped in a blanket, and feeling the warmth of the sun.    My Fall rituals are about preparing for winter, journeying to a person's underworlds deep healing, and resting.  

This year feels different.  

Resting but in the sun.

Humans don't need to hibernate like bears or brumate like reptiles--although I'm sure we wish we could.  I'm sure the planet would appreciate some odd months of humans sleeping, too.  Everyone needs a break, much needed rest.  Healing and recharge.

Instead of going deep into that winter darkness, I'm feeling a pull to stay at the surface this--well, at least this fall.  Stay in the sunlight.  

I attended an AODA ritual last night, where the Reverend took us on a journey to a misty land.  I found that I wasn't welcome in this misty fog.  Cernunnos told me that I was the Sun burning away the mist.  So I left and went to another location within the astral.  It wasn't bad, just not my place to be.  Wrong environment--not healthy for me nor those beings in the mist or those experiencing it.  I thrived in a better environment where I could be me, surrounded by others who also needed a clear day.  Just as mystical and spiritual.

Lots to think about, especially as I think about this past year, and the decisions made.

Rituals can take many different forms--it's not always about ceremony and altars.  It can be as simple or as elaborate as you need.  Observe and celebrate this equinox however feels right and good to you--even if it's something unexpected or not normal for you.  Perhaps this equinox, I'll take my family on a photography hike with a picnic?  A focus on family relationships.

Thank you for your support, purchases, bookings, likes, and follows!

- Priestess Oracle Kristy "Foxlyn" Wren
