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Circle of Life (Photography Passion)

In case you don't know, photography is a passion of mine.  I took classes in high school and it was my Major at university.  I've done weddings, family and seniors portraits, pets, wildlife, macro, spiritual, memorial, dancing, sports, boudoir, fantasy, cosplay photography, and basically anything that catches my eye.  I love details and and getting up close and personal with my subjects, and often don't think about the risks to get that shot (most photographers are crazy like that).

I've worked in a studio, which wasn't my favorite.  Basically the machines do all the work for you for some cookie cutter ass pictures.  I prefer doing the work myself and creating memorable scenes, especially outside.  Hated studio photography.  

I was also part of a small business as the candid photographer.  MV Huhn Photography.  The husband and wife focused on the usual shots, and I was off to the side capturing people in their natural state--some truly beautiful photos of people lost in thought or enjoying the moment without the pressure of "CHEESE!" or as we did it, "3,2,1!" (yes, clients were aware).  Or I'd be capturing details of events, especially weddings.  My partners focused on people and I focused on objects.

In 2018, I left them and started my own photography business, called Fox Torch Photography, where I got to do more of what I wanted.  I wasn't really into cookie-cutter family portraits.  I didn't really like dealing with other people's kids.  My work wasn't always PG-13.  Although I don't advertise anymore, Fox Torch Photography is still active.  I still take jobs here and there.  

Over the last few years, I've mostly been focusing on wildlife photography.  I used to live in Bald Eagle territory and am grateful that I got to know the family.  Luckily one of their favorite hunting spots was right outside my window.  In 2021-22, I finally got some shots of them catching fish! (Due to thieves, I tend to not post my best photos online.)

Parent and Child, 2021

We no longer live on the Bald Eagle's land, and I do miss them.

We live out in the country now, next to a pond, and most wildlife comes to us--in pheasant, crow, cardinal, feral cat, frog, and bug form.  This year, I got pictures of Gray Tree Frogs and many beautiful moths that I've never seen before.  I even had a male leopard moth crawl to me and hang out on my hand until it got too hot and bright.  It was a super cool moment for me, who never touches wildlife...because they're wild and individuals and deserve the respect to not be treated like pets and babies*.

Male Leopard Moth on my hand, June 2024

I'm loving it.  

As a long time spirit worker, I've noticed that when you respect and work with Nature Spirits--wildlife--flora and fauna--is drawn to you.  I'm grateful that these creatures feel safe and comfortable around me and my family.  I'm also grateful for the photogenic critters!  I've learned so much about these animals.

On August 18th, I was watering my plants and noticed a bunch of little green caterpillars munching on a leaf.  When the wind blew too hard, they'd all react and whip their tails around.  I was fascinated!  I took photos and observed them for days.

August 18th

August 21st

Growing bigger by the day, but also there weren't as many of them either.  Not surprising, given all of the predators around, from frogs to spiders, birds and wasps.  

August 22nd

August 24th - My favorite of this series

August 26th - Good Morning Voracious Leaf Devourers!

Yesterday evening, when I went outside to water the plants and check on the caterpillars progress, they were all gone!  I was so sad.  I sat by the plant and wondered what had eaten them?  Just then a beautiful blue dragonfly landed on the plant.


I was sad-happy.  Sad about the caterpillars, but happy for the dragonfly.  I love dragonflies, too.  They are another natural pest controller and are very good at their jobs.  I imagine my plant is very happy, too!

The dragonfly didn't mind me at all, even as I got closer to it to take in its beauty and smack myself for not having my camera with me.  When it flew off, I got my camera and sat outside with the plant.  I grieved those little caterpillars and thanked the Nature Spirits for letting me witness their short lives.  I also thanked the Dragonfly and was genuinely glad that it was alive for another day.  There's a reason why most egg-layers have so many eggs.  They ain't all gonna make it.  

Predators deserve to eat, too!

August 26th - RIP Caterpillars

But life does go on.  I found a tiny translucent cocoon on one of the leaves, probably belonging to a caloptilia moth.

Caloptilia Moth Cocoon

And there's huge communities of silk moth caterpillars in the trees, including one on a low branch in my backyard that I've been watching.  Although silkworms are twitchier, faster, and more aggressive than the caterpillars above; it makes me more grateful when I get a photo in focus!

August 35th - Silkworm

This morning, even more moths were on the house--more that I've never seen.  My son also found a large pretty cicada.  I've got more photos to edit this morning and more to share on IG, too.

RIP little caterpillars. Again, thank you for allowing me to photograph and observe yall until your end.  It's all part of the great circle of life and death.

To my readers, clients, and customers, thank you for your support!

- Priestess Oracle Kristy "Foxlyn" Tackett


* Unpopular opinion time:  Infantilizing Other Animals!  We gonna agree to disagree--this can be a very touchy, triggering subject for some people. 

Infantilizing Other Animals (domesticated and wild) is just creepy, weird, and disrespectful.  They're adult animals and deserve to be treated as sentient adult non-human animals, not human infants and children (shit some people treat their pets better than the humans they created/adopted!).  Can't wait for this trend of infantilizing non-human animals stops, but lots of companies are predatory and are taking advantage of people's love and making a ton of money, so I doubt it's going to stop anytime soon.

If you're an adult human, do you like it when strangers or any human treats you like a baby?  Unless it's your kink (not shaming), I seriously doubt it.  Let's give non-human animals that same respect.  You can love and respect nature without infantilizing and treating them like human children.  They're not humans--and my opinion is not coming from a place of humans being better and superior--far from it.  We aren't the top of the food chain; we are part of it.  Humans forgot their place among nature a long time ago.  To me, infantilizing other animals is just so disrespectful to that animal (humans are animals, too).  

Call em whatever, just give them the respect they deserve. They're not human babies or children.  They're grown ass animals, and in some cases, they're wild animals and don't need to be babied or coddled.  Please do some scientific research on these creatures, especially if you claim to be an animal or nature lover.  

If you're spiritual, when you meet animal spirits or have animal guides, do you use your baby voice to talk to them?  Or do you respect them and treat them as the noble creatures and beings that they are? Why not treat their corporeal relatives the same? *

© 2024 Hearth Fox Oracle
