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Spiritual Message 7-5-23

Firework-wise, it's been rough for me at night...except last night oddly enough. Last night was disturbingly peaceful, but I'm not complaining.

Last night I took advantage of the break to scry with Odin. I ended up meeting with Freyja and Baldur instead and had great talks with Them, and how honesty and lessons don't always have to be brutal and harsh, as many of us have been taught. True, brutal and harsh do have their places, but often can be more harmful than healing.

I've just drawn cards and runes because it's been a bit since I've done a Daily or Weekly Draw for Hearth Fox Oracle. Here we go!

Baldur through The Illumination Tarot and Freyja through the Elder Futhark runes. As I shuffled, I specifically saw the word "eat" or "eating", meaning that this has to do with health.

10 of Spades, 9 of Spades, Ace of Spades, Kenaz, and Uruz.

Your health is on your mind, keeping you awake, anxious, and possibly causing stress eating, affecting your EDs. It's time to focus on your health, on your eating habits, blood sugars, exercise, etc. This is your wake up call.
