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Pick-a-Pile - 1-1-23

 Gentle New Years!

Let's start the year out with a New Years Pick-a-Pile, shall we?

There's going to be six piles, and each pile has a question from Instagrammer Moon Mama Oracle, but don't go clicking that link just yet, or you'll ruin it.  AFTER it's all said and done, then click the link.  They've got a lot of cool spreads and pick-a-cards.

This is a general message, meaning that these cards may not resonate with everyone.  That's fine, they're not suppose to.  There's many more Pick-a's out there that you may connect with.  Good Luck!

Close your eyes and take some breaths.  Don't think of any particular question.  Pay attention to any numbers, letters, or positions as this may be your intuition or guides helping you decide.  OR go with the first thing that pops in your mind. 

Spirit has selected the Womanrunes (you don't have to be a woman to participate!).  If you feel drawn to more than one pile, go for it!

I have made some changes to my Oracle Services.  Due to low interested, I have removed the $20 General Reading.  Instead the Email Session has been changed to a Text Session.  Text Sessions can take place through email, Facebook Messenger, or Discord Direct Messages.  There is no limit on how many questions can be asked during this session.  

Have you selected your pile(s) yet?

Here's the reveal!

Spirit has instructed for me to not go into any major details, but to leave breadcrumbs.  For "the year is young and you have much searching to do.  Be your own Nancy Drew."

1) Card to represent your energy this year.
The Seed - Fertility (body, mind, spirit), Ripening.

2) What do you need to invest in this year?
The Great Wheel - Wholeness.

3) How can you trust change this year?
The Pentacle - Protection.

4) What are you ready to leave behind as the year changes?
The Crescent Moon - Door to the Unconscious.
The Cauldron of Reflection - Retreat.

Spirit says you are ready for community.  This isn't the time for solitude or introspection.  It may also be time to walk through that door, instead of standing at it, wondering.  

5) How can you welcome more harmony into your life this year?
The Moon & Star - Faith.  Inspiration.  Truth.  Healing.
The Dark Moon - Wisdom.
The Wand - Blessings.

6) New Year Guidance from the Guides.
The Winged Circle - Freedom. Liberation.
The Spiral - Initiation.  Rites of Passage.

I hope your pile(s) resonated.  Sorry for the lack of depth, Lilith's orders.  Breadcrumbs.  Awareness of signs and guidance, She encourages.  

If you'd like a more in-depth reading, check out my Oracle Services.  You can message me through Facebook or my email:

For my Oracle Services, I accept Paypal, Venmo, and Amazon Trade (the trade doesn't have to equal the session price.  You can purchase as much or as little.)

I hope to hear from you soon.

May you be safe.
