Hey yall! Full Moon is tomorrow, but remember that energy lasts for three days--day before, day of, and day after. Today I'm doing a Full Moon Energy spread from Instagrammer @Moonmamaoracle; they have a lot of great spreads on beautiful designs.
The deck is the Pride Tarot, which is one of Dionysus favorite tools to use in my house. (Also on my path, every 13th of the month is sacred to Dionysus. Double fun!)
Dionysus, what is your Full Moon message the Community and Friends of Hearth Fox Oracle?
- Card to represent my full moon energy "trade"
Page of Swords - Releasing old beliefs and perspective to make space for new ones.
2 of Swords - Be honest with yourself to move forward. - What is waiting to be released this full moon? "Pain" "Cleanse" "Purity"
The Sun - Joy and healing are waiting to be released into your world. - Where will I feel resistance releasing this? "Stomach" "Stomach Center" "Solar Plexus" "Will" "Habits"
6 of Pentacles - "Reversed" Old selfish and frightened self. The one without a guide--or is too selfish to see the guidance in front of them, because they are afraid of letting go, and what that means for their futures.
7 of Pentacles - Rest after planting seeds. "Do not jump up just yet, the seeds are still seeds, nothing has broken the shell, much less the surface. Give them time to grow! While they're growing, think about the future. How will you care for your little sprout, your little plant? How often will you water? Check its leaves for pests? What does it look like when it's ready for harvest? Take this time to rest and learn and plan ahead for when the sprout has broken through the shell and dirt."
King of Wands - "Your impatience will resist. That you know. That you have been working on. That fire within just wants to feed like a glutton, never enough! But the faster the fire consumes, the sooner it dies. Control the fire, like Vesta in Her Holy Temple. Controlled, but tended to. Fed. Watched. Go back to the 7 of Pentacles, the image of the meditating being--turn them into a Fire Being. Calm, in one place. Careful planning. Patience. Knowledge. Experience. No fear of failure--lessons instead. Be still like the Living Flame Vesta in Her Holy Chamber. Allows other to support like Her Vestals. Through patience you will be successful." - How can I continue to flow through the release? "Breathe" "Self Patience" Dionysus shows me the rune Ansuz - a rune of divine breath, communication.
The Tower - "Ah, the feared Tower. As you know, Priest, it isn't something always to fear. The Tower crumbles like a dying flower. From death, life flourishes. Be this actual death or metaphorical. Priest, you've been at the moment after the fall, faced with the decision of either rebuilding from damaged stones...or deciding if you want to sort through for useful parts or leave them behind to search for a new location to build in.
What is your choice, Reader? Your Tower is falling or has fallen. Do you stay and rebuild or do you search for new fertile lands and new materials? Either way the decision will be difficult and your choice may determine pain or happiness.
Sometimes rebuilding in the same spot is necessary, but that doesn't mean you have to build the same old structure. Maybe this time, a different shape is better? Different materials?
Sometimes rebuilding leads to the same old patterns and pains...
Leaving isn't always the best answer either. But sometimes it's necessary to survive and thrive." - What will I gain from this release? "Level Up"
Jumper: Knight of Swords - The knowledge, experience, and skills of dealing with future adversities. - A message from my Guide [Dionysus] about my full moon release?
Jumper - 5 of Wands - "Be sure to act in alignment with yourself. Unlearn, Relearn, Learn. Stay educated on matters that you're looking at regarding this reading. Know when it make the right moves...and what those moves are. What are your strengths and weaknesses, and how can you use them, grow them? Try to not lose yourself--your truth--in the high energies of others. Discernment. Check yourself."
That was a doozy, but Dionysus made Themselves clear. Messages to think on. Journal. Ponder. Meditate. Plan. Act.
Did this message resonate? If not, don't be discouraged, as this is a general reading and the message isn't for everyone.
If you'd like a deeper message, check out my Oracle services in the Hearth Fox Shop. I can channel and invoke deities, spirits, and ancestors to answer burning questions having to do with:
- Spirit Guides or Deities, Who They Are, How You Can Build a Relationship, and Messages From Them
- Ancestors, Speaking and Working With
- Healing
- Shadow Work
- Self Love and Care
- Your Spiritual Path
- Bringing More Abundance into Your Life
- Fears and Anxieties
- Problem Solving
- House Spirits and Other Entities That May Be In Your Home
- And more!
I use tarot and oracle decks, pendulum, Elder Futhark Runes, Witch Runes, Womanrunes, and the Greek Alphabet Oracle. Check out my shop for details and restrictions, and follow the instructions if interested in my services.
Thank you for your interest and support!
- Priestess Oracle Foxlynx
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