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Intense Messages Pt. 2

These are the opinions of three very angry and frustrated Spirits

In the past two days I have seen many online and in-person communities all over the world coming together and taking actions, whether it's donating money, praying/spelling for peace, cursing the invaders, or just spreading awareness of charities and true news. I believe in the power of prayer and spell work of course. I have faith in my fellow humans.  I believe that everyone has a job, even if it's self care and hugging their families tighter. 

I have a multi-day spell going, and today I set my phone off to the side and took a break from the real news, from the anger and the tears, and played with my toddler, filling hour home with extra giggles and silly love songs.  

My mind thinking about those innocents all day. 

Not everyone is built to be a healer, a curser, a fighter, a protestor, etc. These entities had good points, obviously they want more effort from us--those who are able to take care of our communities. They weren't talking about those who can't for whatever reason--they weren't frustrated with those folks.  They were talking about those of us who fucking can and should do something.

Since 2020, I've seen many communities forming and getting stronger. More people are doing more and more. In Russia protestor's are literally risking their lives and freedoms, because the Russian government is very cruel to anyone who stands against them. 

On one hand, I agree with these Spirits--I argued/debated with them for a while--throughout yesterday and today--I'm tired, yall. There's a lot of our conversations that I haven't posted. Some, where it seems like they got where I was coming from, too, and can see the change they want. 

They're not just talking about one event, but overarching events. 

There are more helpers than there used to be--more doers, too.

"Not everyone in a tribe is meant to hunt or war with the neighboring tribe, some are meant to stay home and care for the family. Others are meant to care for the dead. Different jobs. That's how it should be. Humans have become very lax, too independent of each others. Humans are pack animals--you belong in herds," says an older male spirit.

Remember to take care of yourselves.  Do what you can.
