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Message of the Day


The Zen Tarot volunteered this morning. Hekate speaks, "live your life".

I've drawn Beyond Illusion and Adventure. Look within and seek your inner child for this new adventure. Don't worry so much about plans and maps, with worries and judgements--be innocent and free and have fun. Embrace joy!

I hope this resonates with ya!  It certainly did for me.

Baba Yaga Hay Dolly by Kristy Tackett-Wren.
November 2021.  Rubber Carving.  Acrylic Paint.  Polyurethane Finish.
Approxminantly 2.75 x 3.75 inches

I'm still offering psychic and oracle readings, if you're interested.  Check out my shop for more information!

Thank you for your support!
- Hearth Foxlynx
