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Pendulums Are in the Shop!

I've got pendulums in my Esty Shop! Click on over and check them out! My pendulums are different than the usual stone and crystal pendulums that you find with the chains, because you can use just about anything as a pendulum. I'm a practical minded witch and will MacGyver myself any tool that I need if my usual tools aren't available. For pendulums, all you need is a bit of string and something with a bit of weight. Necklaces with pendants are common pendulums, and you wear them. Heck, I've even used tampons or car keys when I'm in a bind. Pendulums don't need to be super special stones, magikal metals, enchanted bones, or anything like that. They can be, for sure, but they don't have to be.

I do sell some stone pendulums, and I have many more tumbled and raw that I'll be wrapping soon.  For this first batch, I've been making pendulums out of inherited jewelry from my grandmother, as well as jewelry that I don't wear anymore.  I've been cleaning, cleansing, and turning pendants, pins, charms, barrettes, and other items into pendulums.  Giving these pieces new life.  

My pendulums also don't have chains, because chains tangle.  Some might argue that metal chains are more conductive for energy, and for some folks that's true, but I'm not a fan of chains.  It's not a matter of getting them to work with me, it's the tangles.  My pendulums hang from cotton cords that I've macra-made.  

Each pendulum and it's colored cord has been spirit selected and made with intentions to attract the right person and to give clear, honest readings to the owner.  Each pendulum also comes with instructions on cleansing and warding your tool.  

Smaller pendulums are $8 USD.
Medium pendulums are $10 USD.
Large pendulums are $12. USD.

Thank you for the support!
Hearth Foxlynx
