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Elder Futhark Runes
Witch Runes
Devotional Art
Blessed Ash & Black Salt
(Some products are only available at in-person events.)

Check out my Etsy and Facebook.

Coming Soon: Animal Plushies, Spider Surprises, Younger Futhark, Anglo-Saxon Futhorc, and Greek Alphabet Oracle!

From start to finish, all of my pouches, pendulums, runes, and art pieces are made with love, care, and devotion. The pendulums and runes are charged with the appropriate energies for clear and accurate guidance. The art pieces were created by channeling the entities they represent; entities who put their energies into these beautiful carvings.

Upon order, I cleanse all tools, pouches, and artwork of unnecessary energies, and I provide a booklet that gives ideas on how to care for your tools. Once in your hands, feel free to cleanse and charge these tools according to your own path.

Every purchase comes with a message from Spirit!

For my Online Products, I accept Paypal, Venmo, and Card (via Etsy).

For my Offline Products, I accept Cash, Card, and Trade.  If you are on Facebook, you can also visit my Hearth Fox Oracle Facebook Business Page and contact me there.

Due to high shipping costs, my products are only available to US Residents.
